Promote - Educate - Celebrate - South Plains LGBTQ+ Virtual Community Center
Promote - Educate - Celebrate - South Plains LGBTQ+ Virtual Community Center


What is a proclamation?

A proclamation is an official document issued by the Mayor to commemorate a specific time period (ex. day, week, or month). It brings recognition or awareness to an issue, cause, milestone, or noteworthy event that is relevant and important to our city. Proclamations are strictly honorary and not legally binding.


Who can submit a proclamation?

Anyone may make a proclamation request; however, proclamations must have a direct relationship to the City/County residents, events, achievements, services, or noteworthy causes. The decision to issue a proclamation is done completely at the discretion of the Mayor.


How do we achieve this?

We are writing letters to our local representatives to inform them of the importance of such an action to residents of Lubbock and to request action.


Why writing a letter matters:

A letter writing campaign makes it easy for you to get involved and advocate for yourself and your community.  A letter allows us to share our stories with elected representatives.  We hope to move representatives into action that benefit the LGBTQ+ communities and their allies.


To whom do I address my letter?


Step 1: Fine Your District

Go to the City of Lubbock, Texas homepage

a.Click on “City Government” in the top navigation bar.

b.Choose “City Council” then “Fine my council district.”

c.Type in your address to locate your district.

Step 2: Fine Your Representative

Once you know your district, address your letter to your specific City Council Representative. 

Step 3: Take Action | Send your letter to your representative.

a. Download the sample letter/email templates.

b. Edit your letter accordingly.

c. Include the sample PRIDE PROCLAMATION in your envelope or email

d. Mail your letter or send your email.

Don't see your question here?

If you have a question that is not covered in our FAQ's please email

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© OUTwest Lubbock, est. 2006